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Showing posts from February, 2022

How the Journey Started

The past 2.5 years have been difficult.  Not just for me but for everyone.  So when the thought of a Sabbatical / Break was presented to me by the leadership at McDougal Chapel, I was very hesitant to accept it.  I was not the only one who needed a break so how could I rationalize, in my head, that I deserved it? The idea of a sabbatical where I disengage was not sitting well with me.  So I came up with an idea that I have never heard of before.  What if I simply changed by rhythms for the next 3 months?  Would that be helpful? Here is the proposal and conditions that I presented to our leadership on FEBRUARY 10, 2022.  ___________  I have had some time to consider and pray about an upcoming sabbatical. While flattered, I am not fully sold or certain that the timing is right for 2 months off. I can tell physically I do need a break. My mental state has been up and down the past months, likely due to the stress of our political climate. But oth...