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How the Journey Started

The past 2.5 years have been difficult.  Not just for me but for everyone.  So when the thought of a Sabbatical / Break was presented to me by the leadership at McDougal Chapel, I was very hesitant to accept it.  I was not the only one who needed a break so how could I rationalize, in my head, that I deserved it?

The idea of a sabbatical where I disengage was not sitting well with me.  So I came up with an idea that I have never heard of before.  What if I simply changed by rhythms for the next 3 months?  Would that be helpful?

Here is the proposal and conditions that I presented to our leadership on FEBRUARY 10, 2022. 


I have had some time to consider and pray about an upcoming sabbatical. While flattered, I am not fully sold or certain that the timing is right for 2 months off. I can tell physically I do need a break. My mental state has been up and down the past months, likely due to the stress of our political climate. But other than that, there are so many amazing things going on at McDougal Chapel. I find energy in the areas where I can clearly see God working.

So, this leaves me re-considering what the two month break looks like. For that reason I would like to work on my proposal and perhaps try something that I have never seen before.

I would like to reopen this conversation and consider the following.

Instead of a sabbatical, I would like to simply re-organise my schedule. Pace instead of disengage totally. What I mean by this is that I would like to remain part of the work at McDougal Chapel but create a different rhythm in my ministry time.

Here are some of my proposals…(March 1 - May 31)

  • I would preach only 1-2 times per month for a 3 month period (March-May)
  • I would be part of my new discipleship group (2x per month)
  • I would meet with the interns regularly (2x per month)
  • I would visit other churches for Sunday Service (2x per month)
  • I would continue to “coffee” with those in our community and congregation
    • Perhaps I can get caught up with those who never get a visit because of the high needs of others
  • I would like to be at the office for limited but scheduled hours (accountable to the Elders)
  • I would like to remove myself from most of the day-to-day operations and decisions and ask the Elders to step in the gap more during this period of time.
  • I would take several professional development opportunities during this time period.
    • Away for three - four extended periods (3-5 days each)
    • Each focusing on one of these three areas
      • Spiritual Renewal
      • Physical Focus
      • Mental Rest
  • I would like to continue to work with the elders as we move towards a different looking season with less restrictions.

I understand the value of a sabbatical and I would expect to take a purposeful one in two years time. However, I believe that this is not the time. I want to work. I believe I will find my rest through an adjusted schedule. We are at a time where momentum is so important as a church. What momentum we had in the summer was all lost by September due to provincial changes. We have to be intentional to get this back and I would like to be a part of this transitional time.

Thank you for your patience and consideration of this opportunity.

Pastor Kent Janz

Obviously, the leadership did accept this opportunity to rest.  Personally, I am still working through the "fairness" of this break.  Nonetheless, I have decided that since I am going to move forward with this time of rest, I wanted it to be beneficial to not only me but also to those who are attending McDougal Chapel.  

This is the reason for this journaling BLOG.  So you can journey with me as I pursue some rest.  Perhaps some of what I learn will be helpful to you.  Maybe you are just interested in how it is going.  But whatever the reason, you are welcome to join me for the next 3 months as I look for something even though I have no idea what it is.

I will not be disappearing from our community or from McDougal Chapel.  However I will be more conscious about my work patterns.  I have some really great activities planned for myself and I hope to share those experiences with you all.  I will try to share some of my breakthroughs and even my disappointments.  You will also get to hear where I my head is at as we plan for the future.

So subscribe to this blog and join me as I pursue rest.  


"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:23


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