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Let the games begin...

 I have been on my modified schedule for 3 days now.  In my search for rest I am putting all my hope into the simple idea that a modified schedule will be enough for me to fill my tanks and get ready for the next season at McDougal Chapel.

I was out for a bit of a hike today and got to try the snowshoes I borrowed from our local library.  I really wanted to spend time during the beginning of this revised schedule thinking and pondering.  So on my little hike of 4 km, I had a word pop into my head.


Now, I have never been in a detox facility before and do not have any draw towards substances but there are probably things in my life that are toxic.  I really do not fully know what they are but I can probably make a good guess.  So as I was out walking about I allowed myself to consider areas that may be toxic in my life.  

Here are some things I came up with and I may need eliminate some of not all.

  1. Certain people could be toxic in my life
  2. Clutter in my life could be toxic
  3. Social Media / technology is certainly toxic. What would it take to turn off my electronics at 8 PM as part of a work rhythm?  
  4. My diet could be toxic
  5. Comparing myself to others
  6. Worrying can be toxic - yes, I do every day!

As I looked at this list I realize I am smart enough to know that if a person were to clean house on all these areas it would leave me pretty empty.  Imagine turning off technology at 8 pm every night and then have nothing to replace that time with?  It would be a recipe for disaster.  So something or some task or some person has to replace the detoxification of the above areas.

So here is what I came up with.

  1. Make sure I surround myself with people who feed into me
  2. Organize myself better - that is exactly why I am doing a garage renovation in two months.  I have so much junk and clutter.
  3. Replace late evening electronics with a new book or an old book.  Or with a productive project.
  4. No more fast foods and stop drinking any soda.  It never makes me feel good anyways.
  5. Instead of comparing myself to others, pay attention to how God has made me.  Rest in that truth and assurance.
  6. It is pretty clear that worrying is toxic.  So the alternative is to rest fully in Jesus and let Him lead.  I do that by spending more time with HIM.

So that was my walk today.  I woke up extra contemplative so it was not hard to work through some of this stuff.  It is somewhat scary to consider a DETOX like this.  Yet my revised schedule at McDougal Chapel has come at just the right time to see if I can make a dent in these areas. 

I will keep you all posted.  And please - share your comments!! I would love to know your thoughts on this area.


  1. 2 thoughts stood out to me: 1st, the concept of healthy rhythms and 2nd, the need to replace toxic things/habits/people with healthy things/habits/people. Healthy rhythms are a form of self-care where you create a life from which you do not need or want to escape. For me this looks like limiting commitments and ensuring I get to regularly do things that feed my soul. I have found that scheduling these items in conjunction with my husband to be helpful to ensure I actually do them!

    I am taking Lent to do a careful think, and to pray about, the role that screen technology and social and news media should play in my life. During this time I am not accessing Facebook or online news. As I hoped this has resulted in more time for prayer and contemplation of God's Word. Next to God is always a good place to be!


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